
Monday, January 31, 2022

The New Brilliants by Robert Bowman - OPTIONAL

The New Brilliants (The Three Vests) by Robert Bowman
, 224 pages. Smart and Smarter Publishing, 2003. $10

Content: G



Three good friends, Samantha, Jaun and George are spelunking and find a really old, really big chest with three locks. They know it wasn't there a few days earlier, but they carefully open the chest, and at first nothing happens. Then with a great swirling and a thunderous voice, each is gifted with a vest and a future. They don’t know what is in store for them, or the responsibilities that now rest on them.

A very original and fascinating tale. Great character development and really well defined good and evil. There are two more books in this series and they were all great. They are all worth reading and I think all of them, especially book 1 would be a good read aloud for a class. Only available on Amazon and unappealing covers means you would have to hand-sell this series.

Ellen-Anita, LMS 

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