
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Teen Hyde by Chandler Baker - OPTIONAL

Teen Hyde by Chandler Baker, 257 pgs. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan Publishing Group), 2017. $17.99 Language – PG13 (65 swears, 0 “f”), Mature Content – PG13 (heterosexual and homosexual); Violence – PG13.

Cassidy has not been herself since that night several months ago, and, when she gets a taste of her old self again after taking a drug called Sunshine, she wants to be that old Cassidy again. But only part of her wants to make that change. The other part of Cassidy calls herself Marcy. And Marcy lives for revenge.

I found this retelling of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to be captivating, and I loved being kept on my toes over every page. However, this book does very much live up to its promise of horror. This is not a book for the light-hearted, as in Teen Hyde is at times creepy to the point of needing to sleep with the lights on. This is not to say that I did not enjoy it, but I did read it while the sun was still shining. Also, this book is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone. 

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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