
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fania’s Heart by Anne Renaud - ADVISABLE

Fania’s Heart by Anne Renaud, illustrated by Richard Rudnicki.  PICTURE BOOK.  Second Story Press, 2018.  $19. 978177260575

Sorale finds a tiny book shaped like a heart hidden in her mother’s drawer.  Her mother tells her finally about her time in Auschwitz and the women who made the heart for her as a birthday gift in that hateful place. Based on the true story of Fania and the heart book she managed to hide and take with her when she was finally liberated.  

Writing this as a picture book makes it a hard choice for which library collection.  If your elementary school teaches the Holocaust in 5thor 6thgrade, then you definitely need this.  It is too wordy for any younger grade, plus no child will understand it without some background knowledge.  Picture books in the middle school are a harder sell, but if your school teaches The Diary of Anne Frank, then try to talk your teachers into a day or two of picture book reading for a wider perspective of the Holocaust.

Cindy, Library Teacher

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