
Monday, January 1, 2018

Ozzy the Ostrich by Jose Carlos Andres-OPTIONAL

Andres, Jose Carlos Ozzy the Ostrich.  Illustrated by Bea Enriquez. PICTURE BOOK. NubeOcho, 2017. $15.95. Content: G. 

Ozzy the Ostrich and two of his friends are trotting across the plain enjoying the flowers. “They looked at them, sniffed them, and ate them all up.”  Hiding in the bushes were three lions in wait “licking their lips and their whiskers and claws and thought YUM! YUM! YUM!”  But the Ostriches were protecting an egg and said: “Nah-nana-naa-nah… Not you, nor you nor you can get this egg!” Off the ostriches run with the lions in chase.  

This book has an unexpected ending that children will enjoy.  The illustrations are lively and fun.  The story is a bit boring.  The ending was unusual and we didn’t connect with the plot.  

Pre-K.  EL( K-3). OPTIONAL. Reviewer: SL. 

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