
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Dave's Cave by Frann Preston-Gannon- ESSENTIAL

Preston- Gannon, Frann  Dave’s Cave. PICTURE BOOK. Candlewick Press, 2018. $15.99. Content: G. 

Dave loves his cave.  But… maybe there is something a little better with greener grass and bigger rocks.  Dave goes on a hunt for a new cave.  Each possibility has something wrong with it.  The new caves are either too noisy, not cozy, or have pets that don’t like Dave.  The more he hunts for a new home, the less successful he is. Finally Dave finds the PERFECT cave!  

Children will thrill to realize that it’s the first cave Dave lived in.  This could be a great springboard for discussion about being content with what we have.  The story is told in caveman-type language. “Dave like cave. This cave perfect.” The illustrations are unique and fun.   Children will love this great book.  

Pre-K. EL (K-3). ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL. 

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