
Monday, October 23, 2017

Willie and Me by Dan Gutman - ADVISABLE

Gutman, Dan Willie and Me, 157pgs. Harper, 2016. $5.99. Language:G (1 swears, 0 “f”); Mature content: PG; Violence: PG;

Joe Stoshack is a normal 14 year old boy everybody calls “Stosh.” Stosh has friends from the past. Stosh has a weird power, when he sleeps with a baseball card he goes back to the time period that player was in. In this book, a player named Ralph Blanca appears in his room. Ralph asks Santosh to make the famous shot heard around the world never happen, but Thomson the man who hit the ball didn’t want this changed. Stosh reacted by going for himself to watch but then found out the Giants were cheating.

Willie and Me is a great book with a lot of feeling and adventure. I loved this book because of his abilities and I love the ideas and would read it again any day. This author has made me fall in love with this series and I will probably end up reading all of his other books too.

EL - ADVISABLE  Student Reviewer AR

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