
Monday, October 23, 2017

Game of Flames by Robin Wasserman - ADVISABLE

Wasserman, Robin Voyagers: Game of Flames, 186 pgs. PC Studios, 2015. $12.99 USD. Language:  (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.

To save their planet, these “voyagers” must set out on the dangerous journey they have been chosen for. After successfully obtaining their last element, the crew must set out on the quest for the next element located on the planet Meta Prime. As they work around the planet, they suddenly discover they aren’t alone.

As soon as I started reading this book, I could tell I was hooked. This book gives a great balance of Sci-Fi and Reality and I found it to be a book that keeps you reading. I have Rated Violence PG due to its Robotic Warfare. It was well written, however, the plot has some difficult parts.

MS - ADVISABLE  Student Reviewer L.W.

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