
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Water and the Wild by K.E. Ormsbee - ESSENTIAL

Ormsbee, K. E. The Water and the Wild (The Water and the Wild #1)  375 pages, Chronicle Books, 2015. $8.99, 

Content: G

Lottie Fiske is a small girl who is labeled as weird and abnormal.  When her best friend, Eliot, becomes very sick and has only a few weeks left to live, Lottie travels to a different world through the trunk of the apple tree near the orphanage she lives at.  Upon arriving, Lottie is soon chased out of the home she is living in and starts on a cross country journey to find out who she is, rescue a friend, and find the cure for the incurable disease her friend has caught.  Will Lottie Fiske be able to find the cure and get it back to Eliot in time, or will all of her troubles and worries be for nothing?  

I really, really loved this book.  It was written for older elementary age students, but it was good all the same for me.  I believe it could become a classic like Alice in Wonderland.  


Student Reviewer: JM(8th grade)

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