
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Be the Change: A Grandfather Gandhi Story by Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus -ADVISABLE

Gandhi, Arun and Hegedus, Bethany Be the Change: A Grandfather Gandhi Story, Illustrated by Turk, Evan. PICTURE BOOK. Antheneum (Simon), 2016. $18.99. Content: G
A young boy spends a couple of years living with his grandfather, Mahama Gandhi. Arun learns hard work and among other things, not to waste. After he tosses a stubby pencil, he is confused about wasting things and the concept of non-violence come together. Gandhi guides him to the answer with an activity and advice. Loving illustrated with collage style artwork .
This is a lovely story that brings to life the teachings of Gandhi, rather than just a plain biography. It is well suited for third grade and up. You could try it with younger readers, but non-violence divided into passive and aggressive might be confusing. This could also work as an all age read-aloud.

EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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