
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How to Swallow a Pig by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page - ESSENTIAL

Jenkins, Steve and Robin Page   How to Swallow a Pig: Step-by-Step Advise from the Animal Kingdom  32 pgs. Houston Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. $17.00. NONFICTION 

Every spread in this newest Jenkins offering has one or two lessons from the animal kingdom about how to do something. The title lesson is modeled on a python, while readers also learn how to sew like a tailorbird, how to defend themselves like an armadillo, and how to warn of danger like a vervet monkey, to name a few. Each lesson starts with a short introductory paragraph about the animal, and then gives step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish the task, just as the animal does it. Accompanied by classic Jenkins-style collage art, the book is informative about several animal idiosyncrasies, as well as a great example of a how-to informational text. 

EL, MS - ESSENTIAL. Reviewed by P.K.Foster, teacher- librarian

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