Manushkin, Fran Happy in Our Skin Illustrated by Lauren Tobia. 26 pgs. Candlewick Press, 2015. $15.99. PICTURE BOOK
Ostensibly, the text of this book is about our splendid, clever skin that grows with us, covers us, keeps our insides in, and heals with a scab. Freckled or dimpled, it tans in the sun and gets goose pimples in the cold. Additionally, however, this book is about how a bouquet of babies in all hues grows into a bouquet of people that make our world wonderful. With illustrations reminiscent of Helen Oxenbury but with a broad range of ethnicities and detailed settings, the book features one young family who just ooze contentment, curiosity, and love for humanity. They are really enjoying the company of each other and their friends one sunny day in the city, and they pull us right along.
EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE. Reviewed by P.K.Foster, teacher- librarian
Thank you so much for the review! This book means a lot to me!