
Monday, March 30, 2015

There, There by Sam McBratney - ADVISABLE

McBratney, Sam There, There, PICTURE BOOK. Templar Books. 2013. $.7.99

Little Hansie Bear is having fun playing outside. Unfortunately, he keeps getting hurt. Luckly, Dad is close by with a “There, there,” and makes things all better. Later that day, Hansie notices Dad walking very slowly. Dad has thorn in his foot. Mom removes the thorn and Dad says, “Ouch!” Hansie knows just what to do. He gives Dad a big hug and a “There, there.”
This is a sweet book with lovely illustrations. 

This book comes to us just as our 18 month-old is requesting her injuries be kissed better.  “There, There” mirrors the “kiss it better” game that little ones find so satisfying. I liked that it was Dad that was close by to comfort Hansie Bear making it the perfect book for dads to read to their little ones.

Pre-K --- Advisable. Reviewer: Rebecca H.

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