
Monday, March 30, 2015

Rivals in the City by Y.S. Lee - OPTIONAL

Lee, Y.S. Rivals in the City (The Agency), 293 p. Candlewick, 2015.  $17.  Mature Content: G; Language: PG (5 swears, 0 ‘f’); Violence: PG.

Mary Quinn and James Easton have their own, discreet detective agency and are near to getting married.  However, before anything thing like that can happen, first they must deal with old enemies.  Henry Thorold has taken all of the blame for his wife’s crimes and he is near to death in Newgate Prison.  This is a perfect opportunity for Mrs. Thorold, the real mastermind, to creep back into town and convince her estranged daughter to help her get revenge on James specifically and on all of London at the same time.  Mary will have to put herself in direct danger in order to tie up all of the loose ends and hopefully still be able to create a life with James when this is all over.  One way or another. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed The Agency series.  I know they aren’t wildly popular, but if you have money for a more extensive collection, then you should indulge.  The Victorian era is well-represented and I love Mary’s courage.

MS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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