
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sasquatch in the Paint by Kareen Abdul-Jabbar and Raymond Daysteld-ADVISABLE

Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, Dasteld, Raymond, Sasquatch in the Paint. Pgs. 265. Disney Hyperion, 2015. $7.99. Language: G, Mature Content: G, Violence: G

A science geek to the core, Theo Rollins has never really been into sports. In fact, he’s quite bad at it. When he starts the 8th grade six inches taller, however, everyone start s thinking that he will become a sports star. Coach Mandrake, the school’s basketball coach even takes an interest in turning Theo into a star basketball player.  Eager to try and hone his skills, Theo goes to the local park to play some ball. The kids are happy to include him until his lack of coordination causes a disastrous game loss and he gets nicknamed “Sasquatch” and called other racist remarks. To make matters worse, all his time spent training causes him to be faced with dismissal from the science club’s “Aca-lympics” team. Just as Theo doesn’t think he can handle any more pressure, he gets accused of stealing. Can Theo find a balance between academics and sports? Can Theo clear his name?

A well-blended mix of sports, mystery, and realistic issues, this book will engage and entertain reluctant reader and sports fans everywhere. Recommended for most libraries. EL (4-6). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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