
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blackout by Robison Wells-OPTIONAL

Wells, Robison, Blackout. pgs. 432. Harper Teen, 2013. $17.99. Language: PG-13 (28 swears, no “f”s), Mature Content: PG-13, Violence: PG-13

Aubrey’s life was great until she started manifesting superpowers. When the army shows up in town, he takes all teens who test positive for the superpower virus and pressing them into military services. Betrayed by the government, Aubrey and her friend, Jack manages to escape and meet up with her friend, Jack. They are far from safe, however. Across America, teen terrorists are attacking country’s landmarks, power grids, and populace and they, too, have superpowers. Meanwhile, Laura and Alec, two teens purposely infected with the virus, have been trained all their live to be terrorists and to bring down the government. With everything going on, who is really the bad guy? Will the four teens figure it out before it’s too late?

The plot is complex and well-developed, but seems a little implausible. There are a lot of characters to keep straight, but well-developed. Readers who enjoy Robison Wells or like science fiction, however, will enjoy reading this book. MS, HS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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