
Sunday, January 25, 2015

White Stallion of Lipizza by Marguerite Henry - OPTIONAL

Henry, Marguerite White Stallion of Lipizza, 176 pgs. Aladdin, 2014. Language – G, Sexual Content – G; Violence – G; 

Hans is only a baker’s son, but he is in love with the white stallions that dance. He is so intrigued by the magnificent creatures that Hans times his leaving for work so that he can see the stallions walk through the streets each morning. Soon seeing them in the street is not enough, and Hans gives everything for the horses he admires—but is it enough to make his dreams come true? 

The story of Hans’ dedication and determination to work hard for his dreams is a beautiful one. This is a lesson that even I (above this reading level) needed to be reminded of. Besides that, though, the book was hard to focus on because of all the horse information that didn’t interest me as much as it captivated Hans. 

EL, MS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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