
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pants for Chuck by Pat Schories - ADVISABLE

Schories, Pat, Pants for Chuck. PICTURE BOOK. Holiday House, Inc. 2014. $14.95.

Big Chuck is a woodchuck. He likes to play, to run, and to climb with his little animal friends. But when Big Chuck discovers a not so big pair of pants, doing these things becomes a bit tricky. Although his friends plead with him and try to convince him that the pants are too small, Big Chuck likes the way he looks in his new pants. As Big Chuck admires himself in the mirror, he bends over and…RIIIIIIP! His pants split right down the middle! After an awkward moment, his friends cheer in delight. Big Chuck can play with them again.

This is such a fun book. The illustration in this book really tells the story. The narration simply helps it along. Silly and clever, Pants for Chuck will definitely become a favorite!

PRE K-EL (K-3)-- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Rebecca H.

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