
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike - OPTIONAL

Pike, Aprilynne Life After Theft, 345 pgs. HarperTeen, 2013. Language – R (101 swears, 0 “f”), Sexual Content – PG-13; Violence – PG; 

For Jeff, moving from Arizona to California was bad enough when it was just a matter of losing his friends and transferring schools in the middle of the year. Jeff’s opinion of the move goes from bad to worse, though, when he starts getting haunted by Kimberlee—a student who died before he even had the chance to meet her. Now Kimberlee won’t leave Jeff alone until he helps Kimberlee make her wrongs right again so that she can move on. But here’s the catch: Jeff has to do it without anyone figuring out what he’s doing or he will be expelled. 

I picked up this book because it’s by Aprilynne Pike, but this book is completely different from her other books content-wise and style-wise. While I didn’t like it as much as her other books, I did find it enjoyable. I found the premise new and entertaining and the characters relatable. Also, the ending was good, though I think it could have benefitted from having an epilogue, and I wish Pike would cut back on the swearing. 

HS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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