
Monday, January 26, 2015

Backhoe Joe by Lori Alexander - ESSENTIAL

Alexander, Lori Backhoe Joe, illustrated by Craig Cameron.  PICTURE BOOK.  Harper, 2014.  $16.  Content: G.  

While Nolan is playing with rocks, he finds lost backhoe – really, a lost full-sized backhoe.  Nolan tempts him closer with a line of rocks and together the two head home.  Unfortunately Backhoe Joe is not trained, so he causes chaos around the house until Nolan has a great idea.  On their way home, however, Nolan sees that someone else is missing Joe – and Nolan knows he needs to return Joe to his real home. 

Alexander and Cameron do a great job of anthropomorphizing a backhoe as a possible pet.  And what little boy (or girl) doesn’t love heavy equipment or playing in the dirt?  Break out the construction toys for this great pre-school read aloud.  

Pre-K – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS

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