
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tales of Bunjitsu Bunny by John Himmelman –ADVISABLE

Himmelman, John Tales of Bunjitsu Bunny EARLY READER Henry Holt and Co, 2014. $13.99 Content: G
Isabel is a great at martial arts, so she is nicknamed Bunjitsu Bunny! This book is a set of short stories about her. Each little story features a dash of wisdom, reminiscent of Aesop’s fables with an eastern spin.
This was actually a great read! The little bits of advice were gently folded into some really fun little adventures which featured martial arts. My favorite is when a rock falls into her yard. At first she tries to get rid of it, but eventually starts a little rock collection around it. The lesson: “One rock is just one rock, many rocks make a garden.” Awesome! I think students will be drawn to the bright cover and the martial arts component but then find themselves learning something great, indirectly (aka sneakily).
EL(K-3) -ADVSIABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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