
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Stage Fright (Looniverse#4) by David Lubar –OPTIONAL

Lubar, David Stage Fright (Looniverse#4) 96 pgs, Scholastic Inc., 2014. $4.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
Ed is holder of a magical item that gives his words power. Its often quite unexpected and unwanted like when he says the saying “time flies” and off goes his watch into the air. When he and his friend accidently sign up to write a play for a contest, Ed treats it as a joke. He has other things to worry about, like being careful with his words, not to say anything like ‘break a leg’. But its turns out by not using magic its been growing inside him and might just come out at the very worst time.
At first I was interested in this story, though it was book 4 it let me know what was going on with the magic component and his school day. But then it became apparent that this is not a read-alone, knowledge of the first few books is necessary. Worse yet, it quickly dissolved a hodgepodge of magic where anything could happen, which quickly jolted me out of the story with its nonsensical plot elements. It couldn’t hurt to add this to your library but I would save my money for something more interested and well crafted.
EL (K-3) –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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