
Monday, November 17, 2014

In Real Life by Cory Doctorow – OPTIONAL

Doctorow, Cory and Illustrated by Wang, Jen In Real Life 192 pgs. First Second, 2014. $17.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G. GRAPHIC NOVEL
Anda’s new hobby is playing an online game called Coarsegold online. Thanks to a healthy dose of girl power, she is making online friends, having fun, accomplishing things, and even earning real money. One of the ways she earns money is by ‘killing’ the avatars of gold farmers, players who don’t actually play the game, but do mind numbing repetitive tasks to earn in-game money and items, then sell these things for real money to active players. When Anda makes friends with a gold farmer, she realizes that these are real people trying so hard to earn a living in countries that don’t value them. Anda learns some valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, economics, and life.
I think this graphic novel would be confusing to a reader who not familiar with the economics and culture of massively-multiplayer role playing games. (For Example: World of Warcraft). Given experience with those, this book is pretty fascinating, as the economics and real life impacts of the game come to life for the teen main character. The artwork is awesome and filled with variety of layout, expressive characters, and action.  I have chosen to recommend this for high school level due to the complexity of the political/economics content.

HS – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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