
Monday, November 17, 2014

Chasing Freedom by Nikki Grimes - OPTIONAL

Grimes, Nikki Chasing Freedom, illustrated by Michele Wood.  PICTURE BOOK (48 p.).  Orchard Books (Scholastic), 2015.  $19.  NON-FICTION.  Content: G.  

An imaginary conversation between Harriet Tubman and Susan B. Anthony in 1904, before a major women’s suffrage meeting.  Each woman weaves the story of their life and their work for different, yet congruent, causes for freedom, noting challenges and heartaches and rewards along the way.  

All of the information in the book is true, though the conversation never actually took place - or such a conversation was never recorded.  It is an odd format for a biography - not enough information for a research project of some sort.  It would be a good example of a conversation between two people who may have never met in life, though, which is a project some of my teachers have done in the past.  If I buy this, it will be to have as a teacher resource for that aforementioned project; I wouldn’t put it in the biography section.  

MS - OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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