
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mr. Pants: It's Go Time! by Scott McCormick - ESSENTIAL

McCormick, Scott Mr. Pants: It’s Go Time! 128 pgs. Illustrated by R.H. Lazzell  Dial Books for Young Readers, 2014.  $14.99  GRAPHIC NOVEL  Content: G.  

A cat named Mr. Pants wants to go to play laser tag.  He’s wanted to go all summer, but they have to go school shopping that day and he hasn’t cleaned his room.  His mom says that at the end of the day if they have time they will go play laser tag.  They eventually make it to laser tag and his mom wins, so Mr. Pants decides he doesn’t like laser tag.  

I liked this book because the pictures were great.  It was well written because there were funny lines and I wanted to keep reading to find out what happened.  Mr. Pants is funny.  This is good for kids in 2nd-6th grade.  Easy to read, but entertaining for upper elementary.

EL-ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, Isabelle, age 10.

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