
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Claude on the Slopes by Alex T. Smith - OPTIONAL

Smith, Alex T.  Claude on the Slopes, 95 pgs.  Peachtree Publishers, 2013.  $12.95  Early Reader  Content: G.  

This story was about a dog, Claude, who goes on adventures when his owners aren’t home.  One day he sees snow for the very first time and he sees people sledding.  He can pull things out of the beret that he needs, so he pulls out a tea tray and starts to sled.  He has all kinds of adventures in the snow.  

I liked the pictures and the story was a fast read, but it wasn’t my favorite.  I didn’t like some of the characters.  The storyline was boring.  I wouldn’t be interested in reading any more books about Claude.  

EL-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, Isabelle, age 10.

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