Zuppardi, Sam The Nowhere Box. PICTURE BOOK. Candlewick Press, 2013. $15.99. Content: G.
George is tired of his pesky little brothers following him everywhere, so he escapes to the huge box from the new washing machine. Alone. Soon he's riding a roller coaster, blasting off in a rocket ship, and sailing across the ocean beneath a pirate flag -- all courtesy of a cardboard box and a heavy dose of imagination. But as it turns out, playing is not nearly as fun when you do it by yourself.
This creative, colorful ode to the imagination is a quick read with a sweet twist. It is both understanding of the need for children to have time to themselves, and appreciative of all the fun siblings can bring to free play.
Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn
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