
Monday, June 23, 2014

Otis Dooda: Downright Dangerous (Otis Dooda #2) by Ellen Potter -ESSENTIAL

Potter, Ellen Otis Dooda: Downright Dangerous (Otis Dooda #2) 240 pgs. Feiwel & Friends, 2014. $16.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G.
In this second book in the series, Otis is going to school, but his nemesis, Sid, a Lego genius, isn't making things easy. His home in the Tidwell towers is still full of drama. When he is assigned to interview a senior citizen, Otis and his friends forget about the test of the new belly button poppers, and craziness ensues. When a boy in his building eat a mysterious egg, the whole place is convinced he is going to have an alien baby, which leads to major problems later on for Otis as he tries to enter a big Lego competition.
This second book in a series has so much fun going on that its impossible to describe the plot properly, out of context. I was worried that this one wouldn't be as funny as the first but it totally was, I could not stop laughing. Its so goofy and yet quiet whitty in how the little plot elements later come into play. I am adding this author to my favorite list. This book is perfect for those students who love Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and to be honest, I like it way better. Hilarious!!

El (K-3), EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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