
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Pigs by Robert Munsch -- OPTIONAL

Munsch, Robert PIGS, illustrated by Michael Martchenko. BOARD BOOK. Annick Press, 2014. $6.95. Content: G

In this board book remake of the original 1992 story, Megan knows she's not allowed to let the pigs out, but she can't help herself. After all, pigs are dumb, right? How much damage can they really do? So, of course, she opens the gate. Mayhem ensues as the pigs storm through the opening and take over the town.

While this was a fun story, and would probably make for an amusing read-aloud, I'm not thrilled with Megan repeatedly yelling her all-caps, bold-faced, "HEY, YOU DUMB PIGS!" Not exactly a refrain I want my students to repeat every time we get to a new page. Alas, the rest of the story is not cute or memorable enough to make up for the downsides, hence the 'optional' rating.

Pre-K -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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