
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Big or Little? by Kathy Stinson -- ADVISABLE

Stinson, Kathy Big or Little? Illustrated by Jennifer A. Bell. BOARD BOOK. Annick Press, 2014. (Originally published 1983.) $6.95. Content: G.

As the boy in this board book remake goes through his day, he encounters some tasks that make him feel big, such as when he can put on his shoes all by himself. Unfortunately, other things make him feel small, like when he has to take a nap even though he's wide awake. In the end, though, being little does have its advantages.

This very simple, very short board book would be perfect to share with toddlers and preschoolers who are experiencing the frustrations of not growing up quite fast enough. It would work well at any time, but the sweet, loving ending does make it perfect for right before bed.

Pre-K -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn

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