
Saturday, May 3, 2014

I Hatched! by Jill Easbaum- ADVISABLE

Esbaum, Jill I Hatched! Illustrated by Jen Corace. PICTURE BOOK. Dial, 2014. $16.99 Content: G. Soon after a baby chick hatches from his egg he heads out into the world to experience everything he can.  He has so much energy that his little legs struggle to keep up with him.  “Run-run-run-run! Hurry-scurry! Bet my little legs are blurry.” After a fun filled day, he heads back to the nest only to find a great surprise- he has a little sister who is just hatching from her egg.  Little chick tells her not to worry; tomorrow he will show her how to run and play and eat and sing- because he knows EVERYTHING! This book is written in rhyme.  The pictures are detailed and illustrated in fun, bold colors.  This is a great story depicting how little ones can have more energy than they know what to do with.  The ending of the story when the newly hatched brother thinks he knows everything after one day of exploring is also adorable.  Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ADVISABLE. Reviewer: SL.

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