
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Here Comes the Easter Cat by Deborah Underwood- ESSENTIAL

Underwood, Deborah Easter Cat. PICTURE BOOK. Dial, 2014.  $16.99. Content: G.

This is a unique book where the author addresses Cat directly, but Cat is apparently unable to speak, so he communicates by way of holding up signs with pictures or using animated gestures to get his point across. Cat wants to know why Easter Bunny gets all the fun.  He would like to take over that job. He gets a sparkly vest and hops on his Harley motorcycle hoping that he will be allowed to deliver some chocolate eggs to the world’s children.  Little does Cat know, the Easter Bunny never gets naps- and Cat has already taken seven naps today!  While pondering upon this new and disturbing information, a very tired Easter Bunny shows up to give Cat a chocolate egg.  Cat then comes up with a great idea to not only help deliver eggs, but to also help a very tired Easter Bunny in need of a break.  There is a fun surprise ending that children will love!

With very few words and very few pictures on each page, the author is able to share this unique story in a very clever way.  We love the story and the illustrations.  

Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL.

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