
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ghost Flower by Michelle Jaffe - NO

Jaffe, Michelle Ghost Flower, 358 pages;  Razorbill (Penguin Group) 2012. $9.99 Mature content: PG13, violence PG13.  

On the swears words, I stopped counting at 30 not even half way through the book, and it felt awkward as if the author just wanted to be edgy; no F words however.  A brother and sister think they have lucked out when they find their cousin’s doppelganger.   They plan to set her up as their cousin so she can claim the cousin’s inheritance.  

A twisty, turning mystery, but way too many holes left gaping at the end.  There are sexual undertones and overtones, a non-graphic lesbian relationship, a hint at incest, suicide and murder, and fairly immoral activities passed off casually.  The interest level would be high school, but most high school students would figure it out quickly and then be disappointed.  


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