
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

After the River the Sun by Dia Calhoun - ESSENTIAL

Calhoun, Dia  After the River the Sun, 347 pgs. Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2013. $16.

Content: G

A book in verse written from the perspective of a young boy who has lost his parents in a tragic rafting accident. This story begins as Eckhart is travelling by bus to meet his uncle after living in foster homes for four months. His uncle has agreed to take him in for a trial period.  Eckhart is recovering from pneumonia and the hard work of the farm is difficult and hateful to him.  Eckhart meets Eva who has a wild imagination about the Knights of the Round Table and she shares her special places, the Chapel Perilous, with him.  Through his imaginary life as a knight and with Eva help, he tries to conquer his fears through trials and quests. 

From the moment I read this story I was hooked into the description that captivated each scene.   The shared story between the reality of Uncle Al and the Green Knight were fascinating and made me ponder about our trials in life and how relating them to a quest was a phenomenal idea .  


Reviewer: Library Media Specialist, RJH Library.

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