
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Maddie's Camp Crush by Angela Darling-NO

Darling, Angela, Maddie’s Camp Crush. Simon Spotlight, 2013. Language: G, Violence: G, Sexual Content: PG

Like every other summer, Maddie is going to Camp Wimoway, but things are different at home. Her dad passed away and her life feels empty. She’s afraid people will look at her different. When she meets a cute boy, her summer starts to look better. Complications that arise with a new girl at camp, however, threaten to ruin things. Can Maddie get over her father’s death and find a way to make her summer memorable?

A little more developed than most of the Crush books, but still a hard book to get in to. The characters are generic, but are easier to sympathize with. A thin plot at best, however, makes this book way far down on the list for helping kids to deal with grief or engaging readers in an early, preteen romance. Would not recommend for most readers. NO. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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