
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lauren's Beach Crush by Angela Darling-NO

Darling, Angela, Crush: Lauren’s Beach Crush. Simon Spotlight, 2013. Language: G, Violence: G, Sexual Contet: PG

Seventh grader, Lauren likes to plan out everything. So, when things don’t go intended as she tries to get a cute boy to notice her, Lauren is thrown off her game. Her friend, Chrissy tells her to be herself, but can Lauren learn to go with the flow and trust her instincts?

Too much of a he loves me, he loves me not book. Although the book has potential for teaching preteens a good lesson, the characters are generic and don’t spark a relationship with the reader. It’s saving grace, however, is that it does eventually get to the feel-good message that one can predict from page 1. Would not recommend for most schools. EL (4-6). NO. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High

1 comment:

  1. I cannot disagree on the poor quality of this series, but it's perfect for 6th grade girls who want romance books and don't really need YA books that have a bit too much information. One of my struggling readers read one in two days and thought it was the best book ever. Then she checked out the next one. Sigh.
