
Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Book Boat's In by Cynthia Cotton - ADVISABLE

Cotton, Cynthia  The Book Boat’s In Illustrated by Frane Lessac Holiday House, 2013.  $16.95  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G. 
Jesse went to town with his father in their horse drawn wagon and was excited to see the book boat was docked.  When he went to the book boat he was thrilled to see that there was a copy of The Swiss Family Robinson because it was his favorite book, but his father couldn’t afford it.  The book seller told Jesse he would be back in a week and to save up.  So Jesse works all week long to buy the book, but is three cents short.  When Jesse gets to the boat, the copy he was hoping to buy of Swiss Family Robinson had been sold, but the book seller had a different and cheaper copy.  Jesse bought his first book and wrote his name it. 
At the end of the book there is a paragraph that explains how the Erie Canal used to have book boats that would make learning and culture available in areas that wouldn’t have normally had assess.  This is a great story that reminds readers to appreciate the availability of books now a days as well as the worth of books.  The illustrations had bright colors and matched the style of the story. 
EL-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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