
Friday, August 2, 2013

Chasing the Skip by Janci Patterson - OPTIONAL

Patterson, Janci  Chasing the Skip, 228 pgs.  Henry Holt and Company, 2012.  $16.99  Content: Language: R (38 swears; 2 “F”); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13. 
Ricki’s dad has not been a part of her life until now.  Her mother’s gone to California and told her dad that it’s his turn to watch Ricki.  At the age of fifteen, she can’t imagine anything worse than having to leave her friends and boyfriend to live with her dad who lives out of a travel trailer.  Her dad is a recovering alcoholic and works as a bounty hunter traveling in the Denver area.  When he picks up a seventeen-year-old, Ian, who has jumped bail and has a violent past, Ricki finds herself attracted to him.  In her attempts to figure out her relationship with her dad she makes poor decisions with the skip, Ian. 
This book gave me anxiety.  The main character, Ricki, was super whiney and made poor decisions.  The development of the relationship between Ricki and her father was interesting, but Ricki was hard to like. 
HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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