
Friday, May 3, 2013

You Only Die Twice by Dan Gutman-ESSENTIAL

Gutman, Dan, The Genius Files #3: You Only Die Twice. HarperCollins, 2013. Pgs. 289. Language: G, Violence: G, Sexual Content: G

Pep and Coke’s summer vacation is off to a bad start. Now Aunt Judy is marrying the evil Dr. Warsaw. All we know is that Coke will be dumped into a giant shredder. How can this possibly happen?  Who is the Evil Elvis that is trying to kill them? Can they possibly survive Mom’s crazy obsession with the oversized objects and the evil henchmen?

The characters and plot are well-done. With traditional Dan Gutamn style, readers will learn, laugh, and be entranced with the ongoing story in the third book in the Genius Files series.

EL, MS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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