
Friday, May 3, 2013

Hide and Seek by Kate Messner-OPTIONAL

Messner, Kate, Hide and Seek. Scholastic Press, 2013. Pgs. 256. Language: G, Violence: G, Seuxal Content: G

Sophie, Henry, and Jose are Silver Jaguar Society members. When an important Silver Jaguar Society artifact is stolen they go to South America to track it down. They are not sure who to trust or what is really happening. With the adults trapped in the USA, it’s up to the 3 three to save the artifact.

With a page-turning adventure filled with lots of treasure seeking, readers will enjoy learning about Costa Rica and its wildlife. With plenty of room left for sequels, this book is good for fans of the 39 Clues series. EL (4-6), MS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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