
Saturday, April 27, 2013

You Can Do It! by Betsy Lewin -- ADVISABLE

Lewin, Betsy You Can Do It! 28 pgs. Holiday House, 2013. $14.95. PICTURE BOOK.

When a little crocodile sees a sign announcing a race, he tells his friend that he can win it. A nearby bully overhears and informs him that he can't. With his friend by his side, however, the determined little crocodile begins training, reminding himself, over and over again, "I can do it!"

A simply written story that shows you can do most anything if you have a concrete goal, hard work, determination, and a friend to encourage you when you begin to doubt yourself. I especially appreciated that the crocodile didn't just have a healthy self-esteem, but worked hard to achieve what he wanted -- an important ingredient that some books of this type lack. I also admire the crocodile for getting back at the bully by trying harder and becoming more determined to succeed, instead of resorting to yelling or physical retaliation. The repetitive phrasing does become a bit tedious -- for example, over one three-page spread the crocodile gasps out, "One, two...I can do it" nine times while exercising. Probably wouldn't be much fun for a read-aloud, but children who are struggling with limited vocabularies should appreciate the repeated words and simple phrasing. Would make a great intro for discussions on goal-setting and how to deal with bullies.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewed by: Caryn

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