
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Monsters Love Colors by Mike Austin - ADVISABLE

Austin, Mike  Monsters Love Colors  Harper, 2013.  PICTURE BOOK  $15.99  Content: G. 
In this creative book about colors, monsters love to scribble, mix and wiggle.  They scribble and mix their way through the primary colors of red, yellow and blue while associating rhyming words to the colors, such as “Blue is the color of scribble, and dribble and nibble, nibble, nibble.  Then they decide to make new colors for four grey monsters who want new colors.  They mix and make orange, green and purple, with the final monster becoming rainbow colored.
This is a bright colorful book that will attract the attention of young readers.  It’s a creative way to talk about colors with lots of sound effect words while mixing, such as “mash, squish, squash”.  The colorful mess that the monsters make is bright and helps the reader see the fun that can be had with color.  Great for preschool and kindergarten. 
PREK, EL (K-3)-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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