
Monday, April 15, 2013

Waynetta and the Cornstalk by Helen Ketteman –ADVISABLE

Ketteman, Helen and Illustrated by Greenseid, Diane Waynetta and the Cornstalk (A Texas Fairytale) 32 pgs. Albert Whitman & Company, 2012. $6.49.  Content: Language: G (0 swears);  Mature Content: G ;  Violence: G.
Waynetta sets out to sell her families Longhorn, but comes home with magic corn. When a cornstalk grows –she sets to climbing. She meets a pair of giants, one wants to help her, and the other wants to serve her chicken-fried style.
This book is a fun western re-telling of Jack and the Bean Stalk. The illustrations are big and bright.  I am really drawn to this book because I love the thread of the recognizable traditional fairytale combined with a slice of the west. I think that students will enjoy this story.
EL - ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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