
Monday, April 15, 2013

Sacrifices by Lackey and Edghill - ADVISABLE

Lackey, Mercedes and Rosemary Edghill Sacrifices (Shadow Grail 3), 299 p. Tor Teen, 2013.  $11.  Violence: PG (much, but not graphic).  

Oakhurst Academy has been completely taken over by the Shadow Knights – the enemies of everything that is good in the world.  Spirit and her friends know that the battle after the last school dance was not an end – but with Breakthrough security tracking their every move, they can hardly find space to breathe, let along meet and plot how to save the world.  As the noose gets tighter and tighter and as more students disappear each day, the five are going to have to plan something utterly suicidal to even escape.  

So much has happened in such a short time since Spirit came to Oakhurst – its almost crazy when you look back at it.  Why did I think book 3 would be the end? Nope – more cool craziness coming.  A great series for lovers of modern fantasy.  

MS, HS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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