
Monday, April 15, 2013

Sam and the Big Kids by Emily Arnold McCully -- ESSENTIAL

McCully, Emily Arnold Sam and the Big Kids, 32 pgs. Holiday House, Jan. 2013. $14.95. Picture Book.

All Sam wants is to tag along behind his big sister and her friend while they play. He tries to convince them to include him in their games, but they don't want a little kid around, so they use different ploys to try to lose him. When they find themselves in trouble, though, it turns out Sam is the only one who can help.

A nice, easy reader that addresses a situation many kids find themselves in -- whether they're the little kids who are often left out, or the older siblings who want to play by themselves. Would be a nice lead-in to discussions about sibling relationships -- for example, what children should do if they find themselves in either Sam's or his sister's shoes.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ESSENTIAL. Reviewed by: Caryn

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