
Sunday, April 14, 2013

On the Run by Clara Bourreau - OPTIONAL

Bourreau, Clara  On the Run. 120 p. Delacorte Press, 2012. Content: G

When fourth-grader Anthony learns that his father is not a world-traveling photographer, but rather a bank robber awaiting trial, he feels betrayed by the lies of his mom and sister, but determined not to lose his dad again, even though it costs him all his friends at school. When his dad escapes from jail, Anthony threatens to expose him to the cops if he doesn't take him along.

The simple language of the story realistically captures the voice of Anthony as he slowly realizes the truth about his father's situation while trying to have a relationship with him. However, some of the events seem very unlikely, the mini-romance is bizarrely gratuitous, the dad shows no remorse for his morally questionable behavior, and the ending makes one worry about Anthony's chances of ever finding internal peace.

EL - OPTIONAL.  P Foster, Librarian.

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