
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Not that Tutu! by Michelle Colman - ESSENTIAL

Colman, Michelle Sinclair  Not that Tutu!  Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata  Robin Corey Books, 2013. $7.99 BOARD BOOK  Content: G.

  Taylor wears her tutu everywhere, despite what her family thinks.  She likes to wear it to school, in the swimming pool, while sledding and to bed.  Her parents, brother, friends and grandmother all just shake their heads and smile whenever she wears it.  One day she hands her tattered tutu to her mother and informs everyone that she will not wear it again.  However, she has found a pair of pink bunny slippers that she swears she is never going to take off.  

This board book is adorable and funny and has a cute tutu in fabric on the cover.  Taylor’s family is patient with her tutu obsession and the story has a good rhythm.  The text is simple and short, but tells the story.  This is a great addition to any preschool library. 

 PREK-ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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