
Sunday, April 14, 2013

An Enchanted Truth by Kym Petrie - OPTIONAL

Petrie, Kym An Enchanted Truth: A Modern Day Fairy Tale for Grown-Up Girls, 40 p.  Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2012.  $15.  

One day the Princess has her heart stomped on by the Prince and she disdains her Fairy Godmother’s advice and for a bit continues to date the same disastrous Princes.  After a few weeks and then a few months, Godmother’s advice starts to make sense and while she strives to find a man worthy of her, she finds contentment in being her own best person first.  

If you were to give this book to a teenager, most of them would have no clue what you were trying to tell them and find this a didactic, silly tale.  Your 20-something girlfriends who are building lives of their own will find it spot on, however and totally agree with the message.  I haven’t seen the finished product, but I think this is a small, book, text only.  I totally agree with the message, I just don’t think 90% of high school girls will get it.  

HS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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