
Friday, February 8, 2013

The Seven Tales of Trinket by Shelley Thomas - OPTIONAL

Thomas, Shelley Moore The Seven Tales of Trinket, 360 pgs.  Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers, 2012.  $16.99.  Language: G (0 swears, 0 "f"); Mature content- G; Violence: PG.

Guided by a map her father, James the Bard, left behind five years before, young Trinket and her friend Thomas set out to discover her father's fate and hopefully gather her own tales along the way.
An adventure story about a young girl who discovers the strength and talents within herself, The Seven Tales of Trinket would be enjoyable for young girls who enjoy fantasy and adventure.  Based on Celtic traditions, Trinket must overcome a challenge in each new town she encounters as she develops into a bard herself.  

The pace was steady, but not compelling.  The ending was predictable, but involved a grand tale, which is appropriate for a story about storytellers.  The Seven Tales of Trinket would make a nice read aloud book for grades 2-4, as each chapter is fairly short and self-contained.  Each tale contains a song that sums up the journey, which could lead to some fun classroom writing opportunities.   Overall, an enjoyable tale, but not particularly memorable.  

EL- OPTIONAL. Reviewed by J. Hafen

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