
Friday, February 8, 2013

Piper Reed: Forever Friends by Kimberly Willis Holt –OPTIONAL

Holt, Kimberly Willis Piper Reed: Forever Friends 160 pgs. Henry Holt and Co, 2012. $15.56.  (Rating: G).
Piper is moving, again, but this time, friends await her. She hopes to continue with their Gypsy club –but when she gets there, Piper finds out that her old friends aren't going to her new school and live quite a drive away. Piper doesn't know what to make of a girl who keeps talking to her, a girl named Arizona. Piper is going to try to visualize what she wants to happen and make it happen too, as she tries to find her place in a new town.
Students who must move quite often will relate to Piper’s need to juggle old friendships and new experiences. Piper has a very realistic family and the dynamics feel genuine. But it just wasn't quirky enough for my taste though (like Ivy and Bean or Frankly Frannie) so I would not add this to my collection. But if you have a large population of students who move a lot this would be a good one.
EL –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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