
Monday, November 19, 2012

Peace and Quiet (Mr. Badger and Mrs. Fox Book #4) by Brigitte Luciani and Eve Tharlet –ADVISABLE

Luciani, Brigitte, and Tharlet, Eve Peace and Quiet (Mr. Badger and Mrs. Fox Book #4) 32 pgs. Graphic Universe, 2012. $6.95.  (Rating: G)
Its going to be winter so the fox’s and the badgers are all stuck together in their underground den. Their bodies are preparing for winter in their own ways –fatter badgers and furrier foxes. Ginger, the little fox, is so upset when the badgers start to sleep day and night, but some fun with her mom outside of the den helps keep her spirits up.
I am new to this series and was so confused for most of the story. Apparently this is a merged family –the fox lady married the badger guy. I had trouble telling the badger kids apart and when dialogue got chaotic (cabin fever), I just wanted to stop reading. I am a big fan of graphic novel style books for younger students, and despite my comments, I think students will enjoy this book since the illustrations are so darling!
EL -ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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